Thursday, 2 October 2008

A-crawling...part II

Since the last post, he's been crawling all over the place and he's quite hilarious when he moves. He moves his arms rather deliberately, such that he looks like he's doing a march - a rather extreme march. (been informed it's referred to as 'goose-stepping'). Will try and get a video of him doing it. He's pretty fast too, so the gates have to go up ASAP.

One of his favourite toys at the moment is a remote control. Not any ordinary one that works with the TV/DVD players...rather one that makes lewd comments (rather like a Bart/Homer Simpson type). It's quite funny. Let's just hope his first word isn't from that repertoire!!! Edited: the remote control was NOT purchased by was from my brother-in-law. yes... such warped sense of humour eh uncle stu-ey!

p x