Friday 26 June 2009

More words...

George is a rather chatty toddler - except when he's confronted by the phone (and that's when he gets stage fright and doesn't speak - but still waves and blows kisses). Some of his words include "what's that?" (wahh zat), "hiya", "no... nono", "yes", oh doh", "duck", "dog" (woof woof) and the cutest one..."WOW WOW!" (when he's shown/given something he desperately wants).

His favourite books are 'The Gruffalo', 'The Gruffalo's Child', 'Going on a Bear Hunt' and any other book he can get his hands on. He loves books. When asked to show us where the X is, he knows where they are. He points to the Gruffalo, the mouse, the bear, the dog.. the monkey, the giraffe...

I'm sure he says other words too, but I can't remember them. But we sure do understand him...!