Wednesday 18 June 2008

3rd round of immunisations and latest weigh in!

G is 17 weeks this week, but I'll be writing about what happened last week...

his immunisations was due last Wed and we went with some trepidation as this time, he was due to have 3 injections (the previous rounds were 2!!!). Baby G was soooo brave, as he was smiling and giggling when Daddy sat him on his knee and held him real tight. Nurse Wendy was really nice too (she's always nice) and did the injections real fast

But it was still very traumatising to watch him smile one second and his face turning into a grimace the next and tears starting to flood in the next!! :( My heart was breaking when that happened...but baby G was soo brave, and only whimpered and cried for literally 30 seconds. Again, we calpol-ed him (yay!) and I saved a boob for him to suckle on and he was fine after the 3 jabs (2 in one thigh!!). :) He literally forgot about it by the time we were out of the surgery, which is great. haha.

The next day, we went in for his monthly weigh in and measurement, and the results are.........*drum roll*...

Weight: 6.68kg (14 pounds 11 oz) - 50%ile
Length: 66.5 cm - nearly 98%ile (?!)
Head circumference: 42cm - 50%ile

So everything spot on and as per normal. Here, they're not too concerned where baby's plotting on the growth charts, as long as he's more or less following his projected percentile. So if G was always on the 50th percentile, then he should really be around there every time he's weighed, if that makes sense. I'm really happy that his weight's on the average as this chart's based on formula-fed babies, and he's mostly breast fed. Last night was the first night in days that he took a whole bottle of formula (120ml) and even that was less than what's 'recommended' for his age (210!), so it looks like he's growing and thriving on mostly breast milk.

Speaking of growing and thriving - saw this programme on tv the other night, "Britain's Biggest Babies"...OMG, it was most ridiculous to see these really obese babies, and many (if not all) of these mothers are obese themselves! There was one woman who claimed that she loved fish when she was pregnant - turned out that she was gorging on fish and chips!! I know it's fish, but no matter how good the quality of fish is, if you coat it with batter...and accompany it with chips, then surely the goodness is all wiped out!? There was another woman who claimed that her baby girl at 14 months "loved chips"...excuse me, but how does a baby learn to 'love chips'... surely she would have learned it through her parents providing that as a meal?! On tv, they were showing the toddler sat in her high chair, with a big plate of shop-bought chips (so, not even oven-baked chips at home). It was enough to make me sick.

Lastly there was a 3 year old boy who was so obese, he had to use an adult size swim ring in the pool - and his mother thought it was hilarious. And after the swim, she fed him rubbish food again.

I don't get these parents - surely it's one thing to feed yourself junk food, but to feed your child the same, especially when they are too young to make a decision for themselves? The occasional junk food is fine, I think (esp since if you forbid it, it becomes the desired forbidden food!), but to have it practically every day, that I think is tantamount to child abuse.