Thursday 15 January 2009

Weigh in at nearly 11 months...

he's now 9.34kg (20 pounds 9 oz, 15th January 2009) and is 79cm (which puts him back in the 98th percentile). His weight puts him at just under 50th percentile again, which is great, since last month's weight put him down at 25th.

I think he's teething again... today he was really whingey, and clingy and has a rather high temperature too. There's nothing wrong with him (none that I can see anyway - no cold, slight cough but nothing that would cause a high fever), so I think it's to do with his teeth. Or perhaps to do with the rather bad weather. It's now 8degC, which is WARM compared to what we had last week, when it was -8, and we had to go to work (and nursery). hm.