Sunday 25 January 2009

Trip to the hospital...

on Chinese New Year's Eve.

So...G completed his last round of antibiotics on Friday (2days ago). Whilst on it, his ear infection cleared up, but he developed a cough... which subsequently got worse... and worse, and on Friday night he started to wheeze (or was it Thursday?). It tends to get worse at night, and so last night (sat night), he got worse and worse and had a rather bad night's sleep. I finally rang NHS direct, and spoke to a really nice nurse Pauline, who decided, after listening to G's rather laboured breathing over the phone, to get in touch with our out-of-hours doctor's practice at the Hospital. I spoke to her at about 5.30am, and by 6.30am, she's rung me back a couple of times and the doctor himself rang back too. And told us to get to the hospital. And so we did.

G ended up being diagnosed with something called Viral-induced Wheezing... which sounds quite lame (!?)... and got given some steriod tablets (For a couple of days) and salbutomol inhaler (which is exactly the same as the one I use for my asthma!). Together with a ventilator thing (2 big plastic cups that connect together, with a plastic mask over his face) we're supposed to use that whenever he's got difficulty breathing. After pumping in 10 puffs into the ventilator and with G screaming his face off (it must be really scary - poor baby!), he started to breathe really better... :)

Doctor said that he was otherwise fine as his cough didn't sound like it'd reached his chest, so we decided (after consulting with the dr!) to go do London for some Singaporean food.

G was very well behaved on the train, and fell asleep on the boob (Again). We had lunch at Rasa Sayang which is primarily a Malaysian outlet (and how did we know that? the numerous malaysian flags gave it away, perhaps?!) which produced rather authentic my relief! I had char kway teow, D had nasi lemak, and G had roti canai!!(well, we didn't quite order it for him but he ended up stealing about 1 whole roti by himself!).

We also went to Hamley's to buy his birthday presents - got him a growth chart (really cool one) and some alpha blocks. We'll also be splashing out on 2 birthday cakes, and 2 birthday parties, so I think that'll do for now! We need to save a little money for the house move - whenever we get round to that!

Happy Niu Year!! :)