Monday 31 March 2008

Spot George...!

We had a gathering of our NCT ( antenatal classmates at our house yesterday - and it was a lot of fun. We invited our teacher along too as she'd not seen all the babies since we ended classes in mid-Dec (earliest baby was born 30th Dec) and G was the latest on 18th Feb.

There was alot of laughter, alot of food (we've got enough to feed us for the next week!), and crying (from babies, honest!). Here's a classic picture...:). The babies were placed in chronological age order, so from left (Ella Louise Kennett the oldest, Thomas Samuel Guest, Sienna Olivia Langiano, Oliver John Fleming, Pheobe Rose May Rowan, and George). Typical, my son decides to sleep through it all. He woke up about 10 minutes after all the photos were taken... hmph.
ok - going to brave it and wake the babe up...! Time for a nappy change and a feed! Such is life.
p x