Wednesday 26 March 2008

Baby is 36 days old!

Happy Man Yue for last saturday!!

Haven't had time to update the blog - looking after baby is really, a full-time 24 hour job. The only time off I get is when he's sleeping or not crying - right now, he's sitting in his little bouncing chair and that's keeping him occupied for a little while. Ordinarily I'd be rushing around doing the laundry (I've taken it out of the machine, just not hung it up yet!), and sterilising bottles etc, but thought my blog needed some attention!

We had him baptised when he was 4 weeks old, on 15th March 2008 (saturday). Photos are here: Colin and Audra came over to the UK and made a little holiday before stopping at ours for 5 days for the baptism and for them to see the baby. Audra apparently cried/teared when she left our house for the airport - she was that attached to the G-master. So... Georgie Porgie made his first girl cry!! :)

There have been many near scares and frights... I still wake up in the night wondering if he's breathing and poking him to see if he moves. When we go out for an extended period of time, and he ends up sleeping in the buggy or the car, I worry that he's not eating enough. But, thankfully, at yesterday's health visitor's check, he's put on 1 pound and 1 oz and that brings him to a grand weight of 9 pounds 2 oz!! I'm really pleased. According to the measurements and growth charts, he's at 25% - but I think that's fine, as long as he's growing and developing. His height however is at 91%! We reckon that he's got a slim build (from both me and Dan - Dan's tall but he's not chunky)!

I get to drive from next week (6 weeks). I can't wait to have my independence and freedom again. But first, I'll need to master the collapsing of the buggy!

Till then...
P and G (5 weeks 2 days!) xx