Monday 14 January 2008

The scan at 33 weeks

The scan took place last week and it's been confirmed, the placenta is firmly centred over the cervix - it's so centred, if you didn't know better, you would have thought it was deliberately placed there! so, that's it then. All minute hope that we could have a normal vaginal birth have now been dashed - which is fine. Annoys me slightly though, that people still come up to me and say 'there's still hope'. I'm not ignorant, I've read up, and asked the right questions - I wish people would just accept it! I have!!

We have our first consultant's appointment tomorrow afternoon. We'll see what he says then - and hopefully we'll get a date! it's going to be so weird, having a birth date for baby before it actually happens!!

Rachel from work had her baby in early January, about 3/4 weeks before she was actually due - it was an emergency c-section coz the baby was breech and I suppose she went into early labour. I hope baby pea stays in there longer.

Also, had some sad news from one of the girls from NCT - she had an emergency c-section (not sure why) but she was late anyway, and the baby boy was still born. Will update when we get more details. Feel so bad about it - we will be keeping her and her family in our prayers.

P and the pea
34 weeks exactly today!!