Wednesday 19 December 2007

the hospital!

Amidst the christmas shopping and cheer, we ended up at QEQM hospital in Margate on sunday afternoon!

It all started on saturday night/sunday morning at about 2am. I was trying to get to bed when I started feeling what I thought were contractions! It's way too early for that to happen (not even 30 weeks yet!?) and thought it might be what they refer to as 'false contractions' or 'Braxton-Hicks' We started to time them though and it turned out they were coming every 2-3 minutes and lasting about 20-30 seconds! This went on for about 45min-1 hour and I was starting to panic. It then went away with the help of Ellie (our hotwater bottle!) and I managed to get some sleep.

The next morning, at church, it started all over again. Thankfully we'd already decided to bring along my hospital notes anyway, and when we rang the midwife, she told us to go straight to QEQM where there are consultants on call. This made me panic even more as it indicated that they thought it was more serious than I had anticipated.

So we made the 30 min car journey to QEQM and got admitted straight to the labour ward where they put me on a drip for 24 hours with muscle relaxant, gave me 2 shots of steriods for bubba's lungs (in case he comes early) and some antibiotics (which I'm still taking now). They also strapped on the fetal heart monitor and another one to monitor my contractions and thankfully after about half an hour or so, everything calmed down.

The consultant did an internal exam and confirmed that my cervix was still very tightly closed (good news!) but with the ultrascan, also confirmed that my placenta praevia was now a stage 4 which means that we'll definitely have to have a caesarean section sometime weeks 38 or 39. Hopefully baby will decide to stay in there till then, and we don't experience any bleeding of any sort.

It's been nerve-wrecking to say the least. The GP has signed me off work from now till baby comes - I guess that's the best option! I'm now having to find things to do whilst I'm whiling my time at home. Quite excited about the possibilities of ordering food off the internet, and of course, in the run up to christmas, wrapping christmas pressies...! We'll probably be renting lots of box-sets of DVDs...and reading lots of books.

ok - gotta get ready to go shopping with Chris now - I'm not allowed to go out by myself now, so need chaparones!

P and the blue pea
30+2 weeks