Sunday 14 October 2007

It's a .... it's a......

Boy!!! :) (See bottom right picture for confirmation...)

yup, we had our 20 week scan on wednesday (had no time till this evening to update the blog, and only because D is doing some OT on some drawings due at a planner's meeting tomorrow morning!)... and all is well. (well... I'll go into that a little later).

It's a's a boy!! funny - since week 12 (about 2 months ago), I started referring to the baby as 'he' and I guess we weren't too surprised when it turned out to be a boy. Afterall, the gender of a baby is determined by the father, and since D is the 2nd son of the 2nd son and his older brother has 2 sons, and their dad's had 2 sons too, the odds are stacked against us for a girl. Interestingly enough, M and D are also having a son (they are due practically on the same day as us) so there'll be a gang of 3 little boys ready to hang out together when they are a little bigger, with V being the little boss mafioso!! :)

Slightly not-so-good news is that at this scan, the sonographer found that my placenta is very low-lying and is covering my cervix..
Apparently, there's nothing to worry about for now. Chances are the placenta will move and all will be ok - but if worst comes to worst, we'll have a c-section. Not worried much about the c-section - more worried about the possible complications like bleeding and all. But not going to panic at the moment!
ok - gotta go now. C and N are around with lots of brochures on buggies and toys!
P and the boy pea...