Tuesday 28 July 2009

"George, where's your..."


And G will point to his foot. :) Cool huh?? lol. In case we're in any doubt where our metatarsus is, click on the word.

We went up north to visit his other grandparents over a long weekend, and fantastically, G got on really well with everyone. He even went to the shops with his grandad, without me or D coming along! Grandad was on his way to the shops when I suggested that G might want to go along, and G said 'shoe' (and we put them on him) and he went off with Grandad, hand in hand, without turning back! That was great. He also played really well with all his cousins and they absolutely loved him.

Think he cottoned on really quickly that these people were people he could trust, and so settled down really quickly. I hope he'll be the same with the Singapore family when we see them in 3 weeks!