Friday, 14 November 2008


G's now nearly 9 months old and yesterday, (13th Nov), the community nurse came round to have a chat and weighed/measured G.

He's now 8.88kg (what an auspicious number!), about 19 pounds 8 oz; and 75cm (or 76 - depends on which measurement you believe). Which puts him on the 50th percentile for weight, and 91st/98th percentile for height.

He's still eating very well, but STILL waking up once a night (about 4am). The nurse said that he's not really waking up for food/drink but more out of comfort (this was after I told her how much he ate). I hope he outgrows this soon. When he goes back to bed after 20 minutes or so, he tends to sleep till at least 8am (so most days when we go to work we need to wake him up)...

He loves the Plum range of food and on Wednesday night at his godma's place, he had potatoes, fettucine with mince and tomato sauce, grapes, plus one pot of Sweet Potato with Lamb and Carrots.

ok - back to work now...

p and G ( 38 weeks) x